18.08.2022. | Activity

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Free yoga classes in Baška, Omišalj and Njivice!

Location: Baška, the park next to Valamar Zvonimir HotelSchedule: Tuesday and Thursday, 08.00 - 09.00Yoga trainings, in Croatian and English, are held by a licensed yoga teacher Marija Skorić.

On the occasion of the International Yoga Day, we are starting with free outdoor yoga trainings organized by the Tourist Board of Baška and the Tourist Board of Omišalj, in cooperation with the licensed yoga teacher Marija Skorić.

Take time for yourself and with light stretching exercises and breathing techniques, supply your body with oxygen, revitalize it and go rested into your daily routine.

Join the free outdoor yoga trainings in the perfect sea environment, pleasant company and with professional accompaniment.

Yoga practices are intended and adapted to everyone, regardless of age or physical condition, and all you need to participate is a mat and some comfortable clothes.

The program consists of effective relaxation, physical exercises (asanas) and breathing exercises (pranayama), which allow each participant to further increase their own physical energy, flexibility and endurance, as well as regeneration on a physical and mental level.

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